Luleå University of Technology (LUT), Sweden
General information about Luleå University of Technology (LUT), Sweden and their world ranking details are listed to choose this institute for your higher studies.
Luleå University of Technology (Swedish: Luleå tekniska universitet) of Sweden is Scandinavia’s northernmost university of technology. It has four campuses, located in Luleå (the main campus), Kiruna (space science), Skellefteå (wood technology, 3D graphics and computer game engineering) and Piteå (Department of music and media).
Vision 2030 of Luleå University of Technology
We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results. Drawing on our location in the Arctic region, we create global societal benefit.
Overall goals of Luleå University of Technology
The two overall goals of Luleå University of Technology for the year 2030 are:
- We are a challenge-driven university, acknowledged for its contributions to a competitive and sustainable society.
- We are characterised by interdisciplinary and top-quality education and research.
Main strategies of Luleå University of Technology
In order to put our vision and our overall goals into practice, we focus on six main strategies.
- With solid and long-term collaborations, we ensure quality, relevance and visibility.
- Through strategic networks and alliances, we position ourselves and have an impact on societal development.
- With a high-quality infrastructure, we confirm our profile and strengthen collaboration.
- Through internationalisation, we strengthen and broaden our activities and contribute to global societal benefit.
- Through digitization and new technology, we promote innovative teaching and learning environments as well as efficient and accessible services.
- With an inclusive culture formed by courage, openness and trust, we create development and innovation.