Kristianstad University (HKR), Sweden

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Kristianstad University HKR building sweden

Kristianstad University was founded in 1977. Kristianstad University (HKR) is a small but at the same time large university in southern Sweden. The university is gathered in one campus situated just 10 minutes from the town centre of Kristianstad.

Kristianstad University offers programmes and courses, all of which are distinguished by science, research and great pedagogical quality. The Business Administration programmes, the Study Programme in Oral Health, the Master programme in Psychology and the Food and Meal Sciences programme have received the highest quality possible and has been classified as best in Sweden by the evaluations of the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ).

HKR is the only Swedish university that offers work integrated education in all our undergraduate programmes. This makes HKR students well-prepared for the future.


Kristianstad University conducts research that attracts international attention and is connected with undergraduate studies. Over the years, several interesting research fields have developed where researchers who share common interests meet and collaborate.

Areas of research

  • Educational Sciences,
  • Health Sciences,
  • Environmental and Natural Sciences,
  • The Humanities and Social Sciences,
  • Business​,
  • Engineering.